• 6-Minute Sunday
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  • If you got something worth biting, eventually the fish will find you.

If you got something worth biting, eventually the fish will find you.

You just have to be patient.

Hey sunday gang, how are you?

I heard these words in Cobra Kai (fantastic show by the way šŸ‘Œ).

Daniel LaRusso walks on the beach, sad and disappointed because no oneā€™s joining his Dojo (Karate school) despite all his efforts. He sees a man fishing on the beach who reminds him of his late friend. So LaRusso walks to the man and talks to him casually.

*While theyā€™re having a chat, LaRusso notices that the manā€™s fish bucket is empty*

LaRusso: Not so many bites huh?

The Man:Ā *smiles and says* If you got something worth biting, eventually the fish will find you. You just have to be patient.

Those words brought a spark of motivation to LaRussoā€™s face. He smiles back and walks away with the hope that students will eventually come and join his Dojo.

Do you know who else got that spark of motivation? Me.

Iā€™ve been making videos for years and still havenā€™t reached 1000 subscribers. I know I have to be more consistent, and Iā€™m working on that. But even after years of making videos that didnā€™t perform well, Iā€™m not planning to give up.

Because I know that if I keep making videos, I can get better at making videos. And if I get better at making videos, I make good videos. And if I make good videos, eventually the audience will find me. I just have to keep making videos and get better at it, so that people will have a good reason to subscribe to me.

And Iā€™m sure this resonated with you as well. If you are trying to get success in your life, whether it is getting a Software job / getting into the Film industry / getting a Bank job or anything else, work on your skills and never give up.


Because if youā€™ve got something worth biting (skills), the fish (success) will eventually find you.

This is such an effective quote, isnā€™t it?

Also, this show (Cobra Kai) is fantastic šŸ¤©. Iā€™m loving it. Iā€™m still in the fourth season, so no spoilers please xd.

See you next Sunday. Bye šŸ‘‹

- Teja

PS: Why donā€™t you share this spark of motivation with your friends too? Let your friends know about this newsletter by sharing it with them.

šŸŽ§ Podcast suggestion:

  • Recently Iā€™ve started listening to this podcast called Letā€™s Not Meet. Itā€™s a podcast where people share their real-life horror stories. Itā€™s a spine-chilling podcast Iā€™ve started listening to at night šŸ˜¬. So if you are into horror stories, do check it out here.

šŸæ This week's video:

  • Iā€™ve just finished filming the video. Iā€™ve tried my best to explain how to stop wasting our time. Itā€™s a video about how to remove distractions from our lives and properly utilize our time.Ā The video will be posted this week. So stay tuned šŸ¤—.

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