πŸ… Pomodoro Technique

Avoid stressing or burning out

Hey friends,

This is a reminder that you should consider using this simple and effective time management technique called Pomodoro Technique. The importance of this technique is that it helps us better use our time while not burning out or stressed out.

In the Pomodoro technique, you work for 25 minutes and relax for 5 minutes and then again work for 25 minutes and so on…

Here 1 Pomo = 25 minutes work + 5 minutes rest

This helps us not be stressed out by working for hours at once. Because we are only working for 25 minutes straight and relaxing completely for 5 minutes. And for every 4 Pomos, we take a long break for 20 minutes. There are benefits for our mental and physical health using this technique.

We won’t get stressed or burnt out, which will be good for our mental health. And for every 25 minutes, if we go and do some stretches and exercises, it will be good for our physical health.

I’m writing this while watching the World Cup finals. So I’m unable to focus while writing this πŸ˜‚.

I made a video explaining this Pomodoro technique, you can watch it here πŸ‘‡

See you next week. Bye πŸ‘‹
